Ace Face-to-Face Interviews @ Just INR 99/Month, .
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Ace your interview skills & crack high-paying jobs.
  • Trusted by 65,500+ professionals

Start your practice

95% of candidates fail in face-to-face interviews due to poor problem-solving skills. Our industry trained AI Bot enhances interview skills, prepares you for interviews, and gets interview calls matching your profile.

Why do job Seekers choose us?

We offer short, personalized AI-driven interview practice sessions,accessible anytime on any device, with instant feedback to accelerate your learning.

Customized Practice

Solve industry-relevant problems designed by experts, tailored to your resume.

Instant Feedback

Gain insights into your problem-solving, critical thinking, and concept understanding for targeted improvement. Sample Feedback

Industry Benchmarking

Compare your skills with industry expectation and stand out in the job market

Placement Support

You will receive a report after your Bot interview practice. Higher scores increase your chances of securing interview calls from potential employers. Over 100 employers, including Google Operations Center, Standard Chartered Bank, Genpact & many-more recruit on GoPrac.

The product screenshot

Subscription Plan

Fees: INR 99/- per month

Get Unlimited AI interview practice customized to your resume and certifications, with placement support. Perfect for professionals with 0- 5 years of experience.

Our Testimonials


"GoPrac is great platform to find desired opportunity in short period of time effortlessly."

Subhash Baghelker

"I got a call from GoPrac after being shortlisted for a Software Developer role at Sartorius Stedim India Pvt. Ltd. GoPrac's interview practice in C#, Dot Net, and MVC was invaluable, helping me clear the face-to-face round. Thanks to GoPrac, I secured the job offer!"

Ujala Kumar

"Exceptional first experience with GoPrac. AI BOT shortlisted my profile, arranged direct interview with the hiring manager, resulting in job offer within a week. Highly recommended!."

Saurabh Bhatteja

“GoPrac is an excellent platform! Through multiple 1-on-1 sessions, I've gained confidence and valuable insights. The feedback has significantly improved my weaker areas for Technical Interviews.”


"GoPrac was pivotal in my placement journey. The one-on-one sessions and insightful E-Book addressed my weak areas, greatly enhancing my preparation for Design interviews."


"GoPrac is truly one-of-a-kind.It helped me master my Java problem-solving skills, offering invaluable insights for improvement."


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