Ace Face-to-Face Interviews @ Just INR 499/Month, .
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Find exceptional IT talent on GoPrac
Meet our Sales Team

We offer a talent pool of IT professionals (0–5 years experience) with strong problem-solving abilities, ready to take on new job opportunities.

Why Companies Hire from Our Platform

High Conversion

Meet AI-screened and pre-interviewed candidates, perfectly matching your job description

Quick Talent Delivery

Get fast access to a trained pool of candidates actively seeking opportunities, delivered within 24 hours

Zero Hiring Fees

Corporates incur no fees for hiring talent, making the process cost-effective.

How It Works

Our recruitment process is fully automated, with no human intervention required.


Define Talent Requirements

Corporates provide a detailed job description and headcount requirements to the platform.


Source Applicants

The platform searches for relevant profiles from our trained talent pool, across multiple job boards, social media platforms, and invites interested candidates to apply.


Screen Talent

Using our patented screening technology, the platform screens and conducts automated video interviews of relevant candidates to identify the best-fit candidate.

Sample Report

Our other products / services

Screening Solution

Leverage our in-house patented technology to automatically screen and interview job applicants, filtering talent from your list of candidates or any college campus.

Pricing :

We charge a fixed of INR 10,000/- per candidate upon successful joining.

Recruitment as a Service

Our dedicated recruitment team, supported by AI, source, screen, and pre-interview candidates, provides end-to-end coordination support and complete ownership until the candidate joins your team.

Pricing :

We charge 8.33% of the total compensation (CTC) upon successful joining.

Our Customers