Did you know that 95% of IT professionals are found unemployable by corporates due to a lack of cognitive competency? To know more,

Our Story

AI has disrupted the job landscape, transforming job roles and increasing the demand for candidates with strong cognitive competencies. Employers seek individuals who can adapt to new roles and quickly learn new skills.

We are building an AI-enabled skilling and hiring platform that helps job seekers develop essential cognitive competencies like problem-solving, analytical thinking, and critical thinking and connect them with potential employers. Our mission is to make India employable. Meet our team.

Our Team

Nitin Rakesh Prasad LinkedIn Logo

Nitin, a serial entrepreneur with 20 years in technology and education, founded "The Gate Academy" in 2010, later acquired by UpGrad. He mentored 1.5 lakh students nationwide, facilitating their success in government jobs and higher education. Nitin's impactful contributions have been pivotal in shaping the educational journeys of many.

Jasmeet Singh LinkedIn Logo

Jasmeet, a technologist with 20+ years of experience, excels in web, responsive, and cloud app development. He has delivered exceptional solutions for clients in Pharma, Life Science, Manufacturing, and Retail globally. He loves solving problems.


Sushil Harish LinkedIn Logo

Sushil, a seasoned HR professional with 20 years of recruitment and training experience in leading companies across India, South East Asia, and the Middle East. Proficient in strategic planning, managing large teams and P&L, and consulting various companies for Campus to Leadership roles.
