Access Skilled Talent Pool

Post your job and connect with pre-evaluated Talent

High Conversion | Improve Quality of Hire | Variety of Roles

Why partner with us

    High Conversion : Experience an 80% interview-to-offer conversion ratio, saving your company valuable resources and time

    High Quality of Hire : Take hiring decisions based on unbiased comprehensive assessment.
    Variety of Roles : Our candidate pool features Software Developers, Data Scientists, Growth Managers, and Customer Service Representatives with 0 to 6 years of experience.

How it works

    Create Job : Start by uploading the Job Description (JD). Customize the screening interview to assess mandatory skills. Finally, post the job on the platform to attract prospective candidates.
    Interview Invite : Platform automatically extends interview invitations to all job-relevant candidates on the platform and prompts them to complete the screening interview.
    Instant Feedback : Candidates' interview responses are instantly evaluated in accordance with industry standards.
    Meet Evaluated Candidates : Shortlist candidates based on their skill match and proceed to face-to-face interviews.


    Pricing : 8.33% of Total Compensation (CTC) upon successful candidate hire.
    Replacement Guarantee : A 3-month replacement guarantee for candidates who voluntarily leave their positions.

Our Customers


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